Nick the Intern Loses his Anchovirginity

When Nick the intern showed an interest in becoming part of the Gustiamo team, he thought he would speak some Italian, learn some cool things about food, and, of course, eat some delicious Italian food. However, Nick wasn’t quite sure what we had in store for him.

Nick could tell that when he walked into work today, something smelled “fishy,” and that he was in for a new experience. Nick learned how to properly prepare and eat anchovies. To his surprise, it was a lot simpler than he thought. Simply wash the anchovy with water, peel it open down the middle with your fingers so you have two anchovy filets, take out its spine, and chow down.

We documented our lucky intern losing his “anchovirginity” on film for your enjoyment. He had never tried an anchovy before, and the look on his face when he first experienced an anchovy’s unique, umami flavor is priceless!

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