Gustiamo’s Pasta with Bottarga

Cefalo Pasta con Bottarga is a very easy dish to make and it is very good for you since the ingredients, other than the pasta, are raw. We are often asked how we make Pasta with Bottarga. We, the experts! This is Gustiamo‘s official recipe. The condiment: in a bowl, in order of importance: bottarga finely sliced, extra virgin olive oil, chopped parsley, lemon zest and lemon juice, capers, finely chopped garlic, finely chopped chili pepper. If you have time, make it the night before and refrigerate. Otherwise, not a problem. Cook the pasta, add the condiment and stir well. Serve! Anybody can do it and it is REALLY delicious!

The finished dish does not photograph well, as the bottarga looks like a flat small salame. Instead, above is a photo of the fish, the mullet, where the bottarga (which is its egg roe sac) comes from.

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