A Day at Gustiamo.com

A day at Gustiamo
A day at Gustiamo

The Panettoni just flew in and they are safe at Gustiamo.

All the other winter holiday products are coming in. Packages are going out. On the right, David is working at the UPS shipping station, ie a computer near the warehouse door. We have been particularly busy, these days, special thanks to Real Simple, which suggests  Sant’Eustachio coffee as a holiday gift.  All the packages here are for gifts. The flat box in the front are the jeans which Anne is returning to the shipper.

A very busy and cold day, here in the South Bronx. Everybody looks like we are at the North Pole. Phyllis came to work and she is preparing our selection of gifts – on the website for Thanksgiving, expecting a very black friday.  Jennifer came to take the pictures for the website. Susanna came to visit and for lunch but does not want to work with us, at least until the ice in the warehouse starts to melt. We had lunch. No, we didn’t finish it with panettone. We are waiting for black friday to come in to be able to afford it. It was the last colomba of easter 2007. Still DELICIOUS.

