GUSTiamO’s Second Day With the Kids from the South Bronx.

GUSTiamO‘s second day with the kids from the South Bronx was even more successful than the first. In fact, now we know each other and we are welcomed with their big smiles. They are happy to see us. Isn’t that wonderful!!! We LOVE them!!!

First destination: the garden in front of the Bronx River Art Center to pick mysterious things like herbs, swisschard, peppers, tomatoes and onions. Then we all go to the Mary Mitchell Community Center and they learn about rice (last week was pasta) and get to work. They chopped, sauteed (with ev olive oil, of course), steamed the rice, mixed everything together and topped it with EV Olive Oil.

6a00e55029641d8834013485bdf39c970c-800wi This is Kimberly, the sous chef. She would not leave her station, she loved it so much! The dish was so good, the six kids in the program were so proud of their own work, they invited all the others at the school to join them. 50 more kids arrived and sat at the table. OUR six kids served their guests. It was a glorious moment! Not one grain of rice was left. Great stuff, at Gustiamo. Give us more!!!

Join the Conversation

  1. Amelia Goldsmith says:

    I love this project you are running with the kids of your local neighborhood!
    Such a brilliant and big hearted idea and it sounds like they are really enjoying the programme.
    GO YOU!!!
    I hope that you continue it!

  2. I absolutely LOVE your posts about your GUSTiamO project with the kids from your neighborhood. It is a wonderful idea and I think you should go to press with it! I’m sure it’s a hot topic in the NY Times and I think they’d love the story.

  3. it would be great if the NYTimes heard about this project! can you help?
    grazie mille for the belle parole! a presto.

  4. grazie Amelia! it’s really a great project. we’ll keep you posted.

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