Trapani Sea Salt is a Slow Food Presidium


Enzo Gucciardo, Gustiamo’s salinaro (salt maker), could not attend the Salone del Gusto, but the Slow Food Presidium “artisanal sea salt from Trapani” was well represented by his collegues: Rosario Genovese, Vito Genovese and Anna Culcasi. Look at their wonderful faces which tell all their life of passionate but hard work. What a hard work that is! They literally pick the salt by hand, with a shovel, under the scorching sicilian sun of July and August. Their salt is full of natural minerals and it (naturally) salts more than industrial salt. Why? The salt of the big companies is harvested with mechanical machines which makes the salt dirty; brown polluted salt can’t be sold; the salt is then washed and stripped of the natural minerals which are put back with chemicals. How about that??? Listen to Rosario, Vito and Anna… buy sea salt only from small salinari like Enzo Gucciardo!!!
