Exceptional Tomatoes

Piennolo Tomatoes

Anne Ritchings, is a customer and food blogger. She wrote: “Since I’m not in the employ of any food-related company, I can shamelessly promote any product that I like. One company that I have purchased items from over the years is Gustiamo. All their products are imported from Italy and I must say that they are some of the best Italian foods I have ever had the pleasure of putting in my mouth.”  Not bad, eh? Then she talks about our Piennolo Tomatoes, hence, the picture I just took in the warehouse, on the left. And she writes: “You can find these marvelous tomatoes only at Gustiamo I have used them in sauces and they are truly remarkable. These fall into the category of “expensive, but worth it.”  I know they aren’t local, but every once in a while it won’t hurt to support the small farmer on another part of the planet.” Read the whole post: Exceptional Tomatoes

Music to my ears! Thank you, Anne.

